
教 授
赵 娜
  • 职  称:教授(博士生导师)
  • 毕业学校:中科院福建物质结构研究所
  • 电  话:029-81530856
  • 电子邮箱:nzhao@snnu.edu.cn
  • 研究方向:光电功能材料,荧光探针
  • 个人简介


          主要从事的研究领域:1)新型光电功能材料的设计合成及性能研究;2)基于聚集诱导发光特性的荧光探针及其生物学应用研究。现主持国家自然科学基金面上项目1项,陕西省自然科学基金面上项目1项,陕西师范大学优秀青年学术骨干资助计划1项。已完成国家自然科学基金青年项目1项,陕西省自然科学基金青年项目1项(结题被评为优),陕西省高校科协青年人才托举计划项目1项。已在ACS Nano,Chem. Sci.,CCS Chem.,Coord. Chem. Rev.,ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,Chem. Commun.,Chem. Eur. J.,J. Mater. Chem. C等国际期刊以第一及通讯作者发表SCI论文30余篇,被引近2000次,1篇入选ESI高被引论文,4篇论文引用次数超过100。曾荣获2010年福建物质结构研究所博士毕业生二等奖,2015年陕西师范大学第八届青年教师基本功大赛三等奖。


    22.Na Zhao*. Aggregation-Induced Emission. Chapter 6: AIEgens for organelles imaging and biological process monitoring. Berlin: De Gruyter, DOI: 10.1515/9783110672220-006.

    21. Yue Li, Jiabao Zhuang, Ying Lu, Nan Li, Meijia Gu, Jing Xia,Na Zhao*, Ben Zhong Tang. High-Performance Near-Infrared Aggregation-Induced Emission Luminogen with Mitophagy Regulating Capability for Multimodal Cancer Theranostics. ACS Nano,2021, 15, 20453-20465.

    20. Jiabao Zhuang, Nan Li, Yaling Zhang, Baolin Li, Hanqi Wen, Xinchan Zhang, Tianyu Zhang,Na Zhao*, Ben Zhong Tang. Esterase-Activated Theranostic Prodrug for Dual Organelles-Targeted Imaging and Synergetic Chemo-Photodynamic Cancer Therapy. CCS Chem.,2021, 3, 1964−1979.

    19. Quan Pan, Feiyan Ma, Xinqing Pu, Manyi Zhao, Qiling Wu,Na Zhao*, Jun Yang*, Ben Zhong Tang*. A novel fluorescent probe for ATP detection based on synergetic effect of aggregation-induced emission and counterion displacement. Chem. Res. Chinese Universities,2021, 37, 166−170.

    18. Hanxiao Yang, Jiabao Zhuang, Nan Li, Yue Li, Shiyu Zhu, Jiaxin Hao, Jiayao Xin, andNa Zhao*. Efficient Near-Infrared Photosensitizer with Aggregation-Induced Emission Characteristics for Mitochondria-Targeted and Image-guided Photodynamic Cancer Therapy. Mater. Chem. Front.,2020, 4, 2064−2071.

    17. Jiabao Zhuang, Hanxiao Yang, Yue Li, Bing Wang, Nan Li*,Na Zhao*. Efficient photosensitizers with aggregation-induced emission characteristics for lysosome- and Gram-positive bacteria-targeted photodynamic therapy. Chem. Commun.,2020, 17, 2630−2633.

    16. Wei Yin, Yue Li, Nan Li,* Weiyao Yang, Hao An, Jinrui Gao, Yu Bi,Na Zhao*. Hybridization of triphenylamine and salicylaldehyde: a facile strategy to construct aggregation-induced emission luminogens with excited-state intramolecular proton transfer for specific lipid droplets and Gram-positive bacteria imaging. Adv. Opt. Mater.,2020, 1902027.

    15.Na Zhao*, Yue Li, Wei Yin, Jiabao Zhuang, Qian Jia, Zhongliang Wang, Nan Li*. Controllable coumarin-based NIR fluorophores: selective subcellular imaging, cell membrane potential indicating and enhanced photodynamic therapy. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,2020, 2, 2076-2086.

    14.Na Zhao*, Yan Li, Weiyao Yang, Jiabao Zhuang, Yue Li, Nan Li*. Multifunctional pyrazoline based AIEgens: real-time tracking and specific protein "fishing" of lipid droplets. Chem. Sci.,2019, 10, 9009−9016.

    13.Na Zhao*, Wangwang Gao, Min Zhang, Junfang Yang, Xiaoyan Zheng, Yue Li, Rongrong Cui, Wei Yin, Nan Li*. Regulation of circular dichroism behavior and construction of tunable solid-state circularly polarized luminescence based on BINOL derivatives. Mater. Chem. Front.,2019, 3, 1613−1618.

    12.Na Zhao*, Chengcheng Ma, Weiyao Yang, Wei Yin, Jiahui Wei, Nan Li*. Facile construction of boranil complexes with aggregation-induced emission characteristics and their sepcific lipid droplet imaging applications. Chem. Commun.,2019, 55, 8494−8497.

    11.Na Zhao*, Pengfei Li†, Jiabao Zhuang†, Yanyan Liu, Yuxin Xiao, Ruilin Qin, Nan Li*. Aggregation-induced emission luminogens with capability of wide color tuning, mitochondrial and bacterial imaging, photodynamic anticancer and antibacterial therapy, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces.2019, 11, 11227−11237.

    10.Shenghai Zhang, Hongbo Cui, Min Gu,Na Zhao*, Mengqi Cheng, Jiagen Lv*. Real-time mapping ultra-trace singlet oxygen in rat during acute and chronic inflammations via a chemiluminescent nanosensor. Small,2019, 12, e1804662.

    9.Nan Li†, Yan Yan Liu†, Yan Li, Jia Bao Zhuang, Rong Rong Cui, Qian Gong,Na Zhao*, Ben Zhong Tang*. Fine tuning of emission behavior, self-assembly, anion sensing, and mitochondria targeting of pyridinium-functionalized tetraphenylethene by alkyl chain engineering. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,2018, 10, 24249−24257.

    8.Rong Rong Cui, Yuan Chao Lv, Yong Sheng Zhao,Na Zhao*, Nan Li*. Solid-state fluorescent materials based on coumarin derivatives: polymorphism, stimuli-responsive emission, self-assembly and optical waveguides. Mater. Chem. Front,2018, 2, 910−916.

    7.Wenjuan Zhang, Hanxiao Yang, Nan Li,Na Zhao*. A sensitive fluorescent probe for alkaline phosphatase and an activity assay based on the aggregation-induced emission effect. RSC Adv,2018, 8, 14995−15000.

    6.Jing Nan Zhang†, Hui Kang†, Nan Li, Shi Ming Zhou, Hua Ming Sun, Shi Wei Yin,Na Zhao*, Ben Zhong Tang*. Organic solid fluorophores regulated by subtle structure modification: color-tunable and aggregation-induced emission. Chem. Sci.,2017, 8, 577−582.

    5.Peng Fei Li, Yan Yan Liu, Wen Juan Zhang,Na Zhao*. A Fluorescent probe for pyrophosphate based on tetraphenylethylene derivative with aggregation-induced emission characteristics, ChemistrySelect.2017, 2, 3788−3793.

    4.Rui Xue Zhang, Peng Fei Li, Wen Juan Zhang, Nan Li*,Na Zhao*. A highly sensitive fluorescent sensor with aggregation-induced emission characteristics for the detection of iodide and mercury ions in aqueous solution. J. Mater. Chem. C,2016, 4, 10479−10485.

    3.Na Zhao*, Qian Gong, Rui Xue Zhang, Jun Yang, Zhi Yan Huang, Nan Li*, Ben Zhong Tang*. A fluorescent probe with aggregation-induced emission characteristics for distinguishing homocysteine over cysteine and glutathione. J. Mater. Chem. C,2015, 3, 8397−8402.

    2.Na Zhao†, Sijie Chen†, Yuning Hong, Ben Zhong Tang*. A red emitting mitochondria-targeted AIE probe as an indicator for membrane potential and mouse sperm activity. Chem. Commun.,2015, 51, 13599−13602.

    1. Nan Li*, Honglian Feng, Qian Gong, Chunxiao Wu, Hao Zhou, Zhiyan Huang, Jun Yang, Xiaohua Chen*,Na Zhao*. BINOL-based chiral aggregation-induced emission luminogens and their application in detecting copper(II) ions in aqueous media. J. Mater. Chem. C,2015, 3, 11458−11463.


    10.Na Zhao, Jacky W. Y. Lam, Herman H.Y. Sung, Hui Min Su, Ian D. Williams, Kam Sing Wong, Ben Zhong Tang*, Effect of the Counterion on Light Emission: A Displacement Strategy to Change the Emission Behaviour from Aggregation-Caused Quenching to Aggregation-Induced Emission and to Construct Sensitive Fluorescent Sensors for Hg2+ Detection, Chem. Eur. J.,2014, 20, 133−138.

    9.Na Zhao, Chuang Zhang, Jacky W. Y. Lam, Yong Sheng Zhao, Ben Zhong Tang*, An Aggregation-Induced Emission Luminogen with Efficient Luminescent Mechanochromism and Optical Waveguiding Properties, Asian J. Org. Chem.,2014, 3, 118−121.

    8.Na Zhao, Min Li, Yongli Yan, JackyW. Y. Lam, Yi Lin Zhang, Yong Sheng Zhao, Kam Sing Wong, Ben Zhong Tang* A tetraphenylethene-substituted pyridinium salt with multiple functionalities: synthesis, stimuli-responsive emission, optical waveguide and specific mitochondrion imaging, J. Mater. Chem. C,2013, 1, 4640−4646.

    7.Haibin Shi†,Na Zhao†, Dan Ding, Jing Liang, Ben Zhong Tang*, Bin Liu* Fluorescent light-up probe with aggregation-induced emission characteristics for in vivo imaging of cell apoptosis, Org. Biomol. Chem.,2013, 11, 7289−7296.

    6.Na Zhao, Yu-Hui Wu, Jian Luo, Lin-Xi Shi, Zhong-Ning Chen*, Aggregation-induced phosphorescence of iridium(III) complexes with 2,2'-bipyridine-acylhydrazone and their highly selective recognition to Cu2+, Analyst,2013, 138, 894−900.

    5.Na Zhao, Zhiyong Yang, Jacky W. Y. Lam, Herman H. Y. Sung, Ni Xie, Sijie Chen, Huimin Su, Meng Gao, Ian D. Williams, Kam Sing Wong, Ben Zhong Tang*, Benzothiazolium-functionalized tetraphenylethene: an AIE luminogen with tunable solid-state emission, Chem. Commun.,2012, 48, 8637–8639.

    4.Na Zhao, Yu-Hui Wu, Rui-Min Wang, Lin-Xi Shi, Zhong-Ning Chen*, An iridium(III) complex of oximated 2,2'-bipyridine as a sensitive phosphorescent sensor for hypochlorite, Analyst,2011, 136, 2277−2282.

    3.Na Zhao, Yu-Hui Wu, Lin-Xi Shi, Qi-Pu Lin, Zhong-Ning Chen*, A sensitive phosphorescent thiol chemosensor based on an iridium(III) complex with a,b-unsaturated ketone functionalized 2,2'-bipyridyl ligand, Dalton Trans.,2010, 39, 8288–8295.

    2.Na Zhao, Yu-Hui Wu, Hui-Min Wen, Xu Zhang, Zhong-Ning Chen*, Conversion from ILCT to LLCT/MLCT Excited State by Heavy Metal Ion Binding in Iridium(III) Complexes with Functionalized 2,2'-Bipyridyl Ligands, Organometallics,2009, 28, 5603–5611.

    1. Zhong-Ning Chen*,Na Zhao, Yang Fan, Jun Ni, Luminescent groups 10 and 11 heteropolynuclear complexes based on thiolate or alkynyl ligands, Coord. Chem. Rev.,2009, 253, 1–20.

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