
  • 职  称:副研究员
  • 毕业学校:西安交通大学
  • 电  话:
  • 电子邮箱:surfbioliu@snnu.edu.cn
  • 研究方向:蛋白质生物医用材料
  • 个人简介





    (1)Ling Li, Yingying Zhang, Yage Wu, Zhengge Wang, Wandi Cui, Chunhong Zhang, Jinglin Wang,Yongchun Liu*, Peng Yang*, Protein-based Controllable Nanoarchitectonics for Desired Applications,Advanced Functional Materials.2024: 2315509.

    (2)Yongchun Liu, Shuting Miao, Hao RenLihua Tian, Jian Zhao, Peng Yang*, Synthesis and Regulation of Versatile 2D Protein Films by Amyloid-Like Aggregation.Nature Protocols,2024, 19(2): 539-564.

    (3)Yongchun Liu, Ke Li, Juanhua Tian, Aiting Gao, Lihua Tian, Hao Su, Shuting Miao, Fei Tao, Hao Ren, Qingmin Yang, Jing Cao, Peng Yang*, Synthesis ofRobustUnderwaterGlues fromCommonProteins viaUnfolding-AggregatingStrategy.Nature Communications,2023, 14(1): 5145.

    (4)Yingtao Gao, Yanyun Pang, Shuo Wei, Qian Han, Shuting Miao, Min Li, Juanhua Tian, Chengyu Fu, Zhengge Wang, Xu Zhang*, Peng Yang*,Yongchun Liu*, Amyloid-Mediated Nanoarchitectonics with Biomimetic Mineralization of Polyetheretherketone for Enhanced Osseointegration,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2023, 15(8): 10426-10440.

    (5)Chunhong Zhang, Mingle Qiu,Yongchun Liu*, Progress in the Detection of Residual Pesticides in Soil Based on Nanoparticles.Biosensors,2023, 13(4): 415.

    (6)Chunhong, Zhang, Hao Ren, Xiangkui Jiang, Guangfeng Jia, Zhigang Pan,Yongchun Liu*, The Aggregation of Destabilized Ag Triangular Nanoplates and Its Application in Detection of Thiram Residues.Nanomaterials,2022, 12(13): 2152.

    (7)Chunhong Zhang, Xiangkui Jiang, Fuhua Yu, Yang Liu, Qi Yue, Peng Yang*,Yongchun Liu*.  Antagonistic action regulated anti-etching colorimetric detection of thiram residue in soil based on triangular silver nanoplates.Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical,  2021, 344: 130304..

    (8)Yongchun Liu, Fei Tao, Shuting Miao,Peng Yang*, Controlling the Structure and Function of Protein Thin Films through Amyloid-like Aggregation,Accounts of Chemical Research,2021, 54(15)3016-3027.

    (9)YongchunLiu, ChunhongZhang,XizheLi,DaochengWu*. A self-monitored fluorescence DNA anti-counterfeiting system based on silica coated SYBR Green I/DNA gelatin nanoparticles.Journal of Materials Chemistry C,2017, 5(24): 5939-5948.

    (10)YongchunLiu,WeiGao,ChunhongZhang, DaochengWu*. Sequential molecule-triggered-release system based on acetylated amylose helix aggregates.Chemical Communications,2017,53(77): 10680-10683.


    (1)Yingying Zhang,Yongchun Liu, Yonggang Liu, Ping Zuo, Shuting Miao, Bowen Hu, Yu Kang, Wei Liu, Qingmin Yang, Hao Ren*, Peng Yang*, α-Helix-Mediated Protein Adhesion,Journal of the American Chemical Society,2023, 145(31): 17125-17135.

    (2)Hao Su,Yongchun Liu, Yingtao Gao,Chengyu Fu, Chen Li, Rongrong Qin, Lei Liang, Peng Yang*,Amyloid-Like Protein Aggregation Toward Pesticide Reduction.,Advanced Science,2022, 9(0)2105106-2105106.

    (3)Xu Yan,Yongchun Liu,Xinyi Hu, Rongrong Qin, Hao Su, Juling Li, Peng Yang*, The Synthesis of a 2D Ultralarge Protein Supramolecular Nanofilm by Chemoselective Thiol-Disulfide Exchange and its Emergent Functions,Angewandte Chemie International Edition,2020, 59(7)2850-2859.

    (4)杨庆敏,刘永春,陈立新,杨鹏*,纤维蛋白原类淀粉样聚集膜的制备及其性能研究,高分子学报,2020, 51(8)890-900.

    (5)WeiGao,YongchunLiu,GuixiaJing,KeLi, YuanZhao,BaoyonSha,DaochengWu*,Rapid and efficient crossing blood-brain barrier: hydrophobic drug delivery system based on propionylated amylose helix nanoclusters.Biomaterials,2017, 113: 133-144.

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